
Whether you keep birds commercially, as a small holder, or as pets, it is important to have a good bio-security program. Simple steps that you can take to reduce the risk of disease are:
- Maintain clean and dry housing.
- Prevent contact with wild birds.
- Provide clean water.
- Provide clean feeders.
- Quarantine any new birds.
EndoSan disinfectant is a rigorously tested, highly effective disinfectant which can be used to disinfect hatcheries, incubators, housing and equipment such as feeders and drinkers.
EndoSan disinfectant is a bactericide, fungicide, virucide, sporicide, algaecide and amoebicide disinfectant. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless. As well as being organic and 100% biodegradable, it breaks down to water and air. It works in the presence of organic matter.
Game Bird Rearing
EndoSan can be used as an egg wash with no rinse required. Various microorganisms can contaminate the hatching eggs through vertical and or horizontal contamination including:
- Salmonella.
- Mycoplasma.
- E.coli.
- Pseudomonas.
- Staphylococcus.
- Proteus.
- Aspergillus fumigatus.

Hatcheries are warm and humid, making them an ideal breeding ground for pathogens with E Coli being one of the most common.
EndoSan disinfectant can be used to fog hatcheries and disinfect hatchery trays.
The most commonly used disinfectants in hatcheries require the handlers to wear full PPE as the chemicals involved are irritating to eyes, nose and throats. This is not the case with EndoSan disinfectant, which is completely safe to use in its diluted form.
When chicks are moved out of the hatchery into sheds and buildings, good bio-security is paramount to minimize the risk of disease transmission. Boot dips and hand sanitizers are recommended for anyone going in and out of these areas and EndoSan disinfectant is a highly effective, organic and biodegradable option for boot dips.

Young birds
Young birds are moved on, often to outside pens, after around 4 weeks. Each time the sheds are emptied as young birds move out and before new chicks move in, they must be cleaned and disinfected.
EndoSan disinfectant can be used through a pressure washer as a final rinse, or through a knapsack sprayer. Our high-pressure vapor machine works well at this point as it can reach well into the roof spaces as well as the walls and floors. Boot dips and hand sanitizers are still required at this stage.
EndoSan disinfectant can also be used to disinfect the feeders and drinkers. If water lines are in place, then EndoSan disinfectant can be used via a constant dosing system to keep the lines free from biofilms and pathogens, while keeping the PH of the water neutral.
EndoSan disinfectant would need to be stopped and the lines flushed if a live vaccine is put through the water line. But it does not need to be stopped to put minerals or wormers through the lines. Other common water line treatments would need to be stopped and flushed for vaccines, minerals and wormers, a time-consuming process.
Outside Pens
Once the birds are moved to the outside pens, again boot dips and sanitizers per pen are required whenever they are being checked and cared for. A common problem with boot dips is that they freeze, rendering the disinfectant useless. EndoSan disinfectant has been tested to minus 53 degrees and is still effective. It is also vital at this stage to keep the feeders and drinkers disinfected. Our Endosan disinfectant can be used in water lines and drinkers to prevent biofilm and pathogen build up and to prevent cross contamination of disease from bird-to-bird via the water.
Birds are crated and moved to release pens ready for the season ahead. Both the method of transport and the crates can be treated with EndoSan disinfectant. Feeders and water containers should be disinfected before use.

Poultry Rearing
Commercial poultry farms have stringent bio-security guidelines in place. These include wheel washes for all vehicles entering the property, boot dips at all pen entry points and separate overalls to be worn when entering every pen.
In the case of a closed barn egg laying system, water has to be held in header tanks, enough for 24 hrs. Any water held in a tank has the potential to harbor biofilm and pathogens. This can be easily treated by adding a constant dosing pump to the system to use our Endosan disinfectant in. By using our Endosan disinfectant in the poultry house water lines, the lines will remain free of biofilm and the nipple drinkers will remain clean. Endosan disinfectant keeps the PH of the water neutral, which the birds prefer and will also remove the chlorine in the water making it more palatable to drink.
Once the birds are moved on, the barns are emptied, cleaned and disinfected. EndoSan disinfectant can be used through a pressure washer, knapsack sprayer or via a commercial fogging machine. Even if you keep hens for pleasure, disinfecting their housing, feed bowls and water containers should still be done regularly.
Poultry are subject to the same types of disease as pheasants and ducks (see above and below).
Pigeon housing should be kept clean and faeces free, we would recommend using EndoSan disinfectant regularly to treat and prevent pathogen build up within the housing. Our water treatment can also be used to keep their drinkers biofilm and pathogen free, helping to prevent cross-contamination from bird-to-bird via the water supply. It will also remove the chlorine and keep the water at PH neutral, making the water more palatable for the birds to drink.